Homeschool With Notebooks

Homeschool With Notebooks

Homeschooling with notebooks is a wonderful way to help children develop interests, make observations, and acquire knowledge.

It's been used throughout the ages by such notables as Leonardo Da Vinci, Meriwether Lewis, and Isaac Newton.

And this video by John Muir Laws shows some beautiful examples of his journals, along with some tips for faster sketching.

It can be tempting for homeschool families to skip notebooking in favor of workbooks. We want quick results, and proof of work that comes with neatly filled in blanks might feel easier than asking a child to record their own thoughts in a notebook.

But our aim as homeschoolers isn't merely to prove that our children did something, but rather to help them learn to think, and so with the Peaceful Press, notebooking is an integral part of our daily work.


(featured image from Stephanie Frediani. Image above from @juiceboxhomeschool

Your child doesn't need to notebook every single thing you read, or every lesson, but it should become a regular part of the school schedule.

For example, while doing The Playful Pioneers, you might have your child do an oral narration of the Little House reading and then do a notebook page or written narration about Native Americans.  This notebook page could be just a few notes about a tribe, where they lived, and what they ate, along with sketches, or it could be a longer narration in the form of a paragraph with one single drawing.

Or they could copy the poem of the week and add a drawing, but just write a sentence about the history lesson.

Younger children might just dictate a few sentences to you, or color a picture. The work can be tailored to your child's age and ability, while giving them tools for learning.

The notebook page doesn't have to be perfect, but making a habit of writing down personal observations and questions will help your children develop thinking skills, refine questions, and open the door for further learning and better organization.

Every Peaceful Press elementary resource includes prompts for notebooking. Grab your guide and start deeper learning today.

Favorite Notebooking Resources-

The Living Page by Laurie Bestvater

50 Ways to Draw Your One Beautiful, Ordinary LIfe

How to Teach Nature Journaling by John Muir Laws

Artists Sketchbook

Watercolor Paints

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