Celebrating President's Day With Literature and Projects

Celebrating President's Day With Literature and Projects

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While The Playful Pioneers homeschool curriculum provides an overview of some favorite U.S. presidents, we love to strew more books and activities about the presidents in the hope that our children will continue to study on their own. 

The independent reading list that is included in The Playful Pioneers contains an extensive list of favorite books about U.S. presidents, we wanted to highlight a few of our favorites to make a celebration of their birthdays extra special.


The Buck Stops Here by Alice Provenson

George Washington:The First President by Sarah Albee

George Washington by Ingri and Edgar d'Aulaire

Abe Lincoln: The Boy Who Loved Books by Kay Winters

Abraham Lincoln by Ingri and Edgar d'Aulaire

Mr. Lincoln’s Whiskers by Karen B. Winnick


We also love doing projects that relate to the presidents. Cooking and baking always make holidays come to life, and we especially love this recipe, adapted from the Tasha Tudor Cookbook.

There are so many fun projects from The Playful Pioneers curriculum that could be revisited for a celebration of President's Day, and our children will remember what they've learned much longer when it is followed with active play.

1. Build a pretzel and peanut butter log cabin

2. Plant a cherry tree or other fruit tree.

3. Pretend to be a surveyor and make a map of your own lot.

4. Play charades, using the president descriptions from The Buck Stops Here for prompts.

5. Paint a cherry tree and use your pinkie finger to finger stamp cherries on it.

6 Follow this watercolor tutorial to paint a cherry tree.

7. Recite the Gettysburg Address

We hope your celebrations are full of joy. These special days in February can help bring fun into a winter season that often feels long.

To bring even more joy into your homeschool, check out The Peaceful Preschool and The Playful Pioneers. These weekly guides are full of ideas for making connections with your children over beautiful literature.


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