Curriculum Grade by Grade

Curriculum Grade by Grade

It's a wonderful time of planning out the coming homeschool year, and we want to make it easy for you.
Our resources are family style, which means you can combine multiple ages and grades into a single resource, but here are a few grade by grade suggestions to help you get started.
Kindergarten-Use Nourishing Nature Kindergarten and follow along with the checklist of first grade skills. It covers math, phonics, motor skills, art, and more. We even include an art and literature supplement that is a perfect morning time add on.
First Grade- Use the Playful Pioneers. Add Right Start Math A and All About Reading. That will cover everything needed for first grade. Each of our literature based history resources includes Bible, literature, narration, history, science, geography, art, nature study, handcrafts, poetry, and recipes making it a full and complete Charlotte Mason style resource.
Second Grade- Use the Kind Kingdom. Add Right Start Math B and All About Reading or All About Spelling. 
Third Grade- Use the Precious People. Add Right Start Math C and All About Spelling.
Fourth Grade- Use the Playful Pioneers (read the Little Britches if you've already read the Little House books). Add CTC Math, Teaching Textbooks Math, or continue with Right Start Math.  Add American History Writing Lessons from IEW or Fix It Grammar from IEW.
Fifth Grade- Use Kind Kingdom Volume 2 if you've already completed Volume 1. Alternate between a focus on composition and a focus on grammar, so use whichever IEW resources fits the bill. Add math.
Sixth Grade- Use the Precious People with the Cycle 2 reading plan if you've already been through the resources once. Start scheduling in interest led learning such as entrepreneurship, an extra science resource or science kits from Kiwi, and begin to facilitate more life skills and vocational training. 
Junior High and High School- For children in middle school and high school, I've continued with a literature based education and supplemented with co-op classes in science and math. I've also given them opportunities to gain work experience and to pursue interest led learning. I recommend the book Hero Education by Oliver deMille for those of you trying to plan for high school learning and you can find some more high school recommendations here.
If you are homeschooling multiple ages, simply choose the plan that is in the middle of their ability levels. This way you can build connection through curriculum by keeping as much of the schooling family style as possible, thus creating a happier, more peaceful home. 
Are you homeschooling with preschoolers in the mix? We recommend at least a couple hours a week of focused preschool; you could do this with the Peaceful Preschool or the Peaceful Loop (enrollment opens soon), or by just reading aloud and playing one on one with your preschooler for 30 minutes each day.
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