Part Four-How to Homeschool-Developing Discipline

Part Four-How to Homeschool-Developing Discipline

Many of you have been following along with this series and are well on your way to creating a peaceful homeschool.
I've been talking you through several foundational steps to getting started because the truth is, if the atmosphere and habits are in place, children can't help but learn.
Think about it. On a typical summer day, if you don't let your children stay on a screen all day, they probably read a book, played a game, talked to you about the game, did a craft, or chatted with a friend.
Many of the things that our children do, on and off screens are simply their own research projects, their own process of asking questions and trying to find the answers, or taking in information and then expressing it in some way.
So while you might be wishing I would just jump into telling you which Peaceful Press resource to buy, or which math curriculum to use, when you get foundations in place, children will learn with the simplest of tools. Which is exactly why we keep the Peaceful Press lessons simple and meaningful.
So after you have taken time to work on your vision, philosophy, and the atmosphere, the next aspect of learning is discipline.
Charlotte Mason said, “Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, and a life.”
Discipline mostly relates to your own self discipline, because your children will ultimately mimic you. If you start your day with devotional time and exercise, your children will likely follow your example. On the flip side, if your daily routine changes all the time, and you have no consistency, your children will follow that as well. (Isn't homeschooling an amazing opportunity for personal growth!)
So over this next week, work on your daily rhythm, and help absorb your children into that rhythm as well. In order to ease into the daily homeschool routine of reading, writing, and arithmetic, we recommend spending a few weeks over the summer easing into a daily routine of chores, reading aloud, and playing a math game or doing a craft.
👌If you need help getting your children started with chores, check out our Chore Pack. You can choose just one or two tasks to start with and let your children take charge of moving the card to the done chart.
👌If you need help with a daily rhythm, try writing out your top three tasks for the day in the Peaceful Press Planner each day.
👌If you need suggestions for stories and math games, check out our Summer Guide. It includes four weeks of stories, Bible verses, games, and basic math and science skill building.
You can make these few activities a prerequisite to an afternoon beach trip, or a special treat, but as you develop these simple habits during the casual months of summer you will see your connection strengthen, and your home grow more peaceful.
If you need help with accountability for these habits, check out The Peaceful Loop. We are using the book, Habits of the Household as a guide to better habits and earning points as we track our habits.
Also, if you are wondering which Peaceful Press resource will best meet the needs of your children, check out this post. We talk about where to start as you plan a homeschool year that empowers learning and connection.
To read the next post in this series, click here.
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