5 Tips for a Preschool Friendly Holiday

5 Tips for a Preschool Friendly Holiday

Preschool meltdowns can create stress during the holidays but these tips can help you create more peace and enjoy this precious season.

1. Feed them a healthy breakfast. When children start the day with a full tummy, they are better able to roll with the excitement of the holidays. You can soak oatmeal the night before and cook in a rice cooker, or boil eggs and make simple deviled eggs for breakfast, or serve up hearty protein pancakes so your littles have fuel to keep them going.

2. Give them dedicated time outside every day. The extra lights, decorations, and noise of the holidays can be super overwhelming for young nervous systems, and if they are being taken out for shopping trips, holiday performances, and the like, they will be more prone to meltdowns. Make sure you get them outside for at least 20-30 minutes each day so they can let their senses and bodies calm down amidst the fresh air and birdsong.

3. Space activities so they don't get overstimulated. When you have multiple children there are often multiple weekly activities that are important to attend, but all this rushing around creates stress for preschoolers. If possible, schedule outings away from naptimes or late evenings, or perhaps a loving grandparent or aunt could spend time with your preschooler while you meet the needs of other children. Preschoolers thrive on predictable daily rhythms so do your best to keep a quiet life for them. Explore our preschool friendly Christmas resources here.

4. Give lots of hugs. Preschoolers will begin to misbehave if they sense you are ignoring them. They can only entertain themselves for so long before they start getting rambunctious in an effort to get your attention. Instead, pause your activities every so often to give them a hug or tickle, play a quick game of tag, or read them a story. Preschoolers have simple needs, but physical affection is a big one for them.

5. Look them in the eyes. When preschoolers are speaking to you, do your best to look them in the eyes. Eye contact can help them develop better communication skills, and knowing you are listening helps them calm down.

If you need more support for peaceful days with your preschoolers, check out the Peaceful Preschool.
We include gently daily lesson plans that help provide connection and teach basic skills. Preschool students thrive with these life giving homeschool lessons.

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