Fun Easter Activities

What are your favorite Easter traditions? As Christian believers we love incorporating a Passover Seder because the symbolism points so beautifully to the atoning work of Jesus on the cross. As a family we have saved spring themed activities for the days outside of Holy Week so we can focus on the sacredness of the death and resurrection during these special days.

Then, in the weeks following Holy Week, we buy chocolate eggs on sale, hide them in the grass and hunt them, dye eggs, and do all the other fun spring activities we've been looking forward to. I love keeping the focus of Holy Week on Jesus, and still delighting my children with all of the fun cultural activities centered around spring themes.

Here are a few more fun ideas for celebrating with your early learners.

1. Read or watch The Garden, the Curtain, and the Cross. This is a sweet book for your preschool homeschool.

Youtube link here.

2. Cut out cross shapes from card stock.

3. Watercolor paint a blue sky and a green hill. Glue the crosses to the scene.

4. Cut out the lamb from the Passover Guide and wrap with yarn or glue on cotton balls

Download the Passover Guide here

5. Dye eggs and hide them in the grass.

Get more fun activities for Spring in this guide.

6. Read the Gospel stories to your children. Our Good Gospel resource is perfect for teaching preschool through early elementary students about the life of Jesus.

The Good Gospel

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