Planning a Great Homeschool Year

Are you starting to plan for next year and want to make homeschooling more family friendly? And more fun?
Here are a few steps to getting started.
1. Pick a theme, region, or history time period. With the Peaceful Press we have The Playful Pioneers American history cycle, The Kind Kingdom European history cycle, and The Precious People World history cycle. We recommend first time families start with The Playful Pioneers, unless you are in a co-op that is studying a different cycle.
2. Choose literature. We recommend a new chapter book for each month and each of our cycles include great literature such as Little House on the Prairie, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and A Long Walk to Water. Check out our free booklists here.
3. Choose a math and language arts resource. We especially love Right Start Math as well as grammar resources from IEW and reading resources from All About Learning.
4. Fill in knowledge subjects. These include Bible, history and science as well as timeline suggestions, map work, and nature study. Also add art, poetry, and handcrafts. Our resources include all of this for one low price!
5. Enjoy learning together and make connection the priority. When you simplify homeschooling by reading great literature together, making recipes and crafts together and tackling basic skills work in the most straightforward way possible, you create more time for builiding a connected family.
Do you have questions as you get started? We are here to help!
If you want a homeschool life that provides time and space to pursue personal interests and enjoy being a family while still giving an excellent education, check out our elementary resources.

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