When I had three young children, my husband and I wrote down some keywords that described what kind of family we wanted to be. We identified the values that were dear to our family and the activities that we would pursue in light of those values.
This process has helped us stay true to our vision as our family grew, and to keep our family schedule clear so that we could pursue what was most important to us.
We valued simplicity, hospitality, nature, and missions, and we created a lifestyle that honored those values. We paid off our home, took family mission trips, and spent time in nature as a regular part of our lives.
Having a clear vision helped us stay on track despite living in a world that has different values.
We want to help you as well. You can download our free family vision guide at the button below, and schedule an evening with your family to complete it.
If you aren’t even sure where to start, here are a few ideas-
Grab a stack of magazines, glue, and scissors and make collages with your children of pictures and activities that resonate with them or that spark joy. Pictures of flowers might be a clue that gardening is an activity that makes your family come alive. Pictures of sports or travel or food could spark similar revelations.
Brainstorm families that you admire in literature or movies. Talk about what you love about them and what makes them stand out to you.
Brainstorm a list of big dreams that you share. On our list is traveling to France, hosting retreats, and growing food for our family. What’s on yours?
Some tools that help us develop or live with vision-
The Peaceful Planner-This planner includes space for writing down monthly goals and big dreams so we can work towards our family vision.
Student Planner- This student planner helps elementary students through adults reflect on what makes them feel happy and what triggers unrest. It includes a habit tracker and space for recording favorite books and a recap of what they’re learning. It’s a great tool for more intentional living.
The Peaceful Life Workshop- The Peaceful Life workshop helps you identify your core values, brainstorm daily routines, and plan for a peaceful home life.\
The Restoration Home Podcast- Jennifer's podcast welcomes weekly guests to talk about family, mental, spiritual, and emotional wholeness and growth, and the path we are all on to restored families and communities.
Taking time to think about what kind of family you want to be and what activities you want to engage in can help you pursue an intentional family life.
And if you need further help and accountability in your pursuit of a peaceful family, join the Restoration Home Community. We offer habit tracking, monthly teaching, and a supportive accountability group.
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