Unearthing the Wonder of Advent

Unearthing the Wonder of Advent


"Every single creature is full of God and is a book about God. Every creature is a word of God. If I spend enough time with the tiniest creature, even a caterpillar, I would never have to prepare a sermon. So full of God is every creature."

-Meister Eckhart


Advent is a time to prepare and reflect on what was, what is, and what is to come.

Each day we can be preparing our hearts and our minds for the hope that we find in the birth of our Savior.

In Unearthing Wonder we pick up the book All Creation Waits to open a window each day of advent onto the natural world.

"This is Christian tradition at its best, moving in step with creation. When the sun’s light and heat wane, the natural world lets lushness fall away. It strips down. All energy is directed to the essentials that ensure survival. Engaging in Advent’s stripping practices — fasting, giving away, praying — we tune into the rhythms humming in the cells of all creatures living in the northern hemisphere. We tune into our own essential rhythms."- Gayle Boss

We reflect on how wild animals adapt when darkness and cold descend upon them BUT how the dark is not an end but the way a new beginning comes!

Each morning or evening, whichever works best for your family, we read the suggested passage from All Creation Waits aloud to our children, then read the verse, and commentary, and then do the included activity. We often finish by singing a Christmas carol or hymn.

 "As we prepare for Christmas, there is much that we can learn from this turtle, truthfully from all of God’s creatures. Their ability to sense the seasons, and to be still and simple when needed become a means of salvation for them, but for us, stillness and simplicity can surely save us from stress, and anxiety, and a Christmas that is characterized by anything but peace on earth, good will to men." Jennifer Pepito

We invite you to join our families in this new tradition that creates space for rest, strengthened relationships, and more family time together.

Create your own life giving advent tradition with Unearthing Wonder and All Creation Waits. 

The animal stories are perfect for the cold days of winter and can be a welcome after Christmas tradition as well.

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